0.7.1 Version Changelog


- Removed scatter from wood

- Sand now has its texture and is in hint menu

- Fixed bug where tutorial could be shown on any map

- moved shadows and decor under wood

- The map editor now reopens maps properly

- The ground input inside of map data is now single line

- Maps now have a 'bannedbuilding' property that allows you to ban buildings from being used (and can now be seen in the caves map)

- Modded buildings can now be banned from specific maps using the "bannedmaps" property, set it to something like ["Caves"] or ["Caves","Forest"]

- Modded buildings can also be allowed ONLY on a specific map using the "allowedmaps" property, uses the same syntax as bannedmaps

- Reworked bullet effects internally a bit so let me know if you find any bugs

- Added "spin" bullet property, which is equal to the amount of degrees a bullet turns in air every second (completely visual no effect on the bullet itself)

- Added "speed" property, which is the amount of pixels a bullet moves every second times 100 (default of 5 aka 500 pixels per sec) 

- spin and speed can be found on cog and iron bullet respectively


OneTurretBETA0.7.1.exe 80 MB
63 days ago
macOneTurretBETA0.7.1.zip 63 MB
63 days ago

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