I added an index into my TD + Factory game??

Yeah so like i added a index feature to my game. 


Because i want replayability and its fun to look at. I just like being able to craft items and have the data stored somewhere, and also knowing what i havent made yet. And due to the lack of any actual wiki for the game, it also allows auto-generating and modded 'wikis' for items to be accessed inside the game. Yeah it works with modded items.

It also has procedurally generated CRAFTING TREES (spoiler warning)

Here is how I made my crafting tree generator.

For my procedural graph generation, I decided to go with a node aproach (mostly because it worked the best and im in godot so it works best). What it would do is take the first item, add a node for it with the texture and all, and assign it meta value called xsize, which was predetermined. After that, I check if the item is crafted using 1 or 2 items. If its 1 item, I generate it, put it as a child of the first item, set the position to like (0,-50) ish, and pass in normal xsize. While for 2 items, I create the childs and then I position them equally across the original xsize (which would be "0 - (xsize/2)" and "xsize/2" ), and the passed down xsize is divided by 2. 

Then, with the second generation, I basically do the same process. Split the xsize when its 2 children, dont when its 1. Simple. And given how parenting works (in godot atleast), I dont have to do crazy calculations for the X position.

Obligatory Update Changelog!


- Created the INDEX, basically built in wiki for items you have crafted.

- the index scans both bulletdata and recipe data for items.

- Index also has sorting by ALL properties (modded Items without bulletdata have placeholder damage of 5)

- Crafting Tree Viewer for unlocked index items

- You can now give modded items descriptions for the index using "idesc"

- You can also choose the color for modded converters using "icolor" (with color code in string form)

- Fixed bug where Tutorial UI can carry over between

- Made buttons on map screen actually be aligned

- Modded Items with no bullet data no longer crash the game.

- Mods will now give warnings inside of the mod viewer if they are out of date.

- Mod browser now has the functionality to filter mods based on version, update, or all.


OneTurretBETA0.7.2.exe 81 MB
30 days ago
macOneTurretBETA0.7.2.zip 63 MB
30 days ago

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